Friday, August 8, 2008

One of my favourite things

Gypsy Rose sez ...

a grai (horse) is a Gypsies best friend

While overseas last year I had the good fortune to view the White Horse of Salisbury Plain. The white chalk horse is historic and is visible for miles - by land and by air. Yes by air as many small crafts were flying around and over the horse that day. If not for a birthday present of a digital camera I would not have been able to experience the awesome grai on the hill. Nor would I been able to experiment and play the artist! These images have been shared with many - a special thanks to my mum for her teccy gift.

Bokt (luck) to you all

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Gypsy Rose sez ...
Today we are going through the arch window ...
It is a big step through the arch ahhh but so much to play with. The mystery is over . After playing on a few sites today I now know how folk can spend so long on a computer as there is so much to do ~ to re-create/rec-reate.
Bokt (luck) to you all

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

flickr-ing ...

Gypsy Rose sez ... todays photo wouldn't upload
watch this space!

Well here we are another week and another adventure. After snoozing through the youtube video it was great to view such a variety of images on flickr. I must admit to an inner debate public Vs private. When and what to share in the public arena. During my search online I discovered images of ...

... a Romany women giving a talk/demonstration in the Rinkeby library, Sweden. As a race of people, Romany are very private, most protective of their culture, to go into the public arena is a big step. So - is a library a public or private place? Or maybe a bridge between the two? Will keep on ruminating ...
Bokt (luck) till next time